स्व. श्रीमती इंदिरा गांधी स्मृति शासकीय चिकित्सा महाविद्यालय, कांकेर
Late. Smt. Indira Gandhi Memorial Government Medical College, Kanker

Established by Chattisgarh Govt. Under NMC Act, 2019
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General Medicine

Faculty Members
S.No.Display Picture Name of FacultyDesignationQualification/ SpecializationMedical Reg No.Date of JoiningProfessional ExperienceEmail
1Dr Deepak KumarAssociate ProfessorMBBS / MD General Medicine CGMC 2982/2010 14-01-2022 9 Year Exp
2Dr D.K RamtekeAssistant ProfessorMBBS / MD General Medicine CGMC 4873/2013 04-04-2022
3Dr Manish JainSenior ResidentMBBS / MD General Medicine CGMC 4664/2013 29-06-2021 8 Year Exp
4Dr Sandeep Kumar NagSenior ResidentMBBS / MD General Medicine CGMC 7261/2017 08-07-2022 3 Year Exp
5Dr Chhatrapal VermaJunior ResidentMBBS / - CGMC 11792/2022 25-05-2022
6Dr Jainendra Kumar ShandilyaJunior ResidentMBBS / - CGMC 11767/2022 01-06-2022
7Dr Yogita JainJunior ResidentMBBS / - CGMC 9969/2020 25-05-2022
8Dr Kumar Shanu SahuJunior ResidentMBBS / - CGMC 8692/2019 25-05-2022
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